Steyning History Timetable
_2023-24 Steyning History Programme Steyning History Society has a varied programme of events through the Autumn The programme is attached.
_2023-24 Steyning History Programme Steyning History Society has a varied programme of events through the Autumn The programme is attached.
Update on the White Bridge closure The footbridge over the River Adur just north of Bramber Bridge was closed in late August, after a safety inspection by West Sussex County Council. Known as the White Bridge, the bridge is a key connecting route for walkers, so its closure has been a big concern for everyone who [...]
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Notice of Uncontested Election -- Upper Beeding Parish Council
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repair cafe dates 2023
STEYNING SCANDALS POSTER_ The Secrets of a Sussex Market Town, 1547-1947 SUNDAY, 30 April 2023 10 a.m. - 12.30 p.m. A slow historic ramble - plenty of stops - with Dr Janet Pennington Meet at the Steyning Centre Car Park, (NOT the Library car park) - free on Sundays - opposite the church of [...]
These elections are run completely by the Returning Officer/Electoral Services. For information about these elections, information will be published at For those wishing to stand for election here s a short film about what the job entails
Steyning History Meeting Wednesday 8th March 2023 At 7.30pm Being held at: The Steyning Centre, Coombe Court NOTICEBOARD HistSocReminder-Mar2023.
The County Council is responsible for maintaining around 2,500 miles of road: A and B roads are ordinarily inspected monthly, C-class and main distributor roads on a three or six-monthly basis and declassified roads are typically inspected annually. But our Highways teams cannot be everywhere at once, and so need residents to tell them if [...]