The County Council is responsible for maintaining around 2,500 miles of road: A and B roads are ordinarily inspected monthly, C-class and main distributor roads on a three or six-monthly basis and declassified roads are typically inspected annually. But our Highways teams cannot be everywhere at once, and so need residents to tell them if they are concerned about a pothole.

Reporting potholes: our new, online, e-form

“The best way for residents to bring potholes to our Highways staff’s attention is directly, please – via our new, online, e-form. There’s no longer the necessity to download an app, the online maps are easier to use, with greater levels of detail so Highways staff can more easily locate and investigate issues. We have also revised and improved our updates so that the information residents receive about their report is more frequent and detailed.

Report a pothole online – West Sussex County Council